Monday, September 30, 2013



The whole point of creating this blog was to try and blog about my new life away from home but i guess i am not very good at keeping it up to date.. so i have decided that i will do a quick update on what my adventure in the USA has been like.

My 4 days in NYC that turned out to be 5

I arrived in New York City on Monday morning on Sept 9th after 18 hours of traveling from CPT to NYC. The four of us were collected from the airport and taken to the Double Tree Hilton Hotel. We were one of the first groups to arrive at orientation so we were treated to a breakfast buffet and we attended an arrival meeting where we received our information and what rooms we will be in. Yes all of us south Africans were split up into different rooms because we were all going to depart to different states after orientation. Any way we chilled most of the time, found a cute typical american diner across from the hotel and we had fountain sodas there. Which was great.

What Orientation Included:

  • Long hours of lectures
  • Food Buffets for breakfast, lunch supper
  • explaining to people that lions do not walk around in South Africa
  • There are white people in south Africa
  • we have cars, clothes, stores and don't ride on elephants, wear rags and hunt for food.
  • getting stuck at grand central station because nobody wanted to pick us up after our solo mission to the city, so we walked from Tarrytown back to the hotel just after midnight. what a story! but great memories.
  • making friends from all of the world

Places we saw and things we got up to

  • Times Square
  • Radio City
  • Top of The Rock
  • Central Park
  • Trump Towers
  • Greenwich Village
  • shopping at forever 21 and in times square
  • walking endlessly
  • got matching hoodies and wishbone necklaces
Our Solo Mission from Tarrytown to Times Square in New York City!! 

The ice tea in America..Not like iced tea in South Africa!

Times Square

Monday, September 9, 2013

New York Day 1

Day One
After a 2 hour flight to Johannesburg, a 16.5 hour flight to J(watched 1 movie and slept the rest of the way-Miracle) and a 2.5 bus ride I eventually arrived at our hotel in New York! We got our hotel car keys and made our way to our rooms!
I am sharing a room with a girl from Norway and Germany! so exciting.
Have already met amazing people from South Africa, and because we were the first to arrive we managed to fit in time to explore! we came across a lovely diner across the street and sat down there for some drinks before supper time.
During supper I made friends with more German Girls and a girl from Mexico. We laughed, nearly cried and shared where we were from with each other with some understanding! haha
Myself, Nicole, Angie and Diane
The food has been surprisingly good! Well I guess it is America after all!! Anyway tomorrow we are touring NYC which is pretty exciting!
Ahh this is my first attempt at blogging so hope I improve each day!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
James Dean
Live life doing the things you love as if you wouldn't be alive the next day, get the most out of the days you have left by doing the things that make you happy and dream and do the things that seem impossible even though you know you could do it if you had no time left on earth :)

Cape Town South Africa- A Place I call home.

Proud to call this place my HOME!
A few great things to do in and around Cape Town
Catch the Cable Car up and Down Table Mountain to get a glance of the Magnificent City Bowl. If you enjoy hiking the summit can be reached by foot  through a multitude of beautiful albeit exhausting, trails. Enjoy the long-distance Hoerikwaggo Trail up from Cape of Good Hope.  (
 Tietiesbaai is situated in the Cape Columbine Reserve on the West Coast, only a 2 hour drive from town. Promise of colourful wild flowers in spring and a guaranteed soundtrack of silence.
 If you are more of an adrenalin junkie , shark cage diving is for you. South Africa has an incredibly diverse shark population. Try Great White Shark Tours (028 384 1418/083 300 2138/
Take the alternative option and visit our beautiful Two Oceans Aquarium which includes ragged tooth sharks, blue stingrays and black mussel crackers, all drifting together in seeming harmony, well until feeding that is! 
 If you ever find yourself visiting this magnificent place make sure to take one of the many tours available in around South Africa.