Monday, September 9, 2013

New York Day 1

Day One
After a 2 hour flight to Johannesburg, a 16.5 hour flight to J(watched 1 movie and slept the rest of the way-Miracle) and a 2.5 bus ride I eventually arrived at our hotel in New York! We got our hotel car keys and made our way to our rooms!
I am sharing a room with a girl from Norway and Germany! so exciting.
Have already met amazing people from South Africa, and because we were the first to arrive we managed to fit in time to explore! we came across a lovely diner across the street and sat down there for some drinks before supper time.
During supper I made friends with more German Girls and a girl from Mexico. We laughed, nearly cried and shared where we were from with each other with some understanding! haha
Myself, Nicole, Angie and Diane
The food has been surprisingly good! Well I guess it is America after all!! Anyway tomorrow we are touring NYC which is pretty exciting!
Ahh this is my first attempt at blogging so hope I improve each day!

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